
Wuppertal (NRW) - What a Madness!

With silicone, two men in NRW wanted to enlarge their penis and testicles. In the end, Martin M. (†32) died a painful death from blood poisoning and subsequent multiple organ failure. Torben K. (46), who injected the deadly silicone, had to answer to the Wuppertal Regional Court yesterday.

The accusation against the restaurant professional: dangerous bodily harm resulting in death and violation of the Heilpraktikergesetz (Alternative Practitioners Act).

The victim's mother (l.) is a joint plaintiff.

K. confessed to the procedure. He had ordered the silicone oil from America, which is actually intended for cleaning surfaces. "I injected it into him at my own risk," he says in court. However, there is no sign of remorse. The man, who officially does not work as an alternative practitioner, repeatedly emphasizes that he sought reassurance. Martin M. also signed a waiver of liability...

The presiding judge, Jochen Kötter, must decide in the case.

According to Torben K., the accused and the deceased met through a dating site for homosexuals. The 32-year-old also visited him and told him for the first time about his dream of having a "big package," he reports.

K. had previously treated himself with the silicone, and he gained the knowledge from the internet. M. was jealous of his penis and large testicles.

Both are said to have met by chance at the CSD in Cologne in 2016, and a year later, the first injection was given "at cost" of 200 euros. The accused has so far admitted three more injections until 2018. Martin M. died on February 24, 2020, after a long period of suffering.

If convicted, a minimum of three years in prison is possible. The trial will continue.