
In den letzten Tagen haben die britischen Untertanen mit Sorge mitbekommen, dass es mit der Gesundheit von Queen Elizabeth nicht besonders gut bestellt ist. Zunächst sah man die Queen bei öffentlichen Auftritten mit einem Gehstock, dann wurde eine gelante Reise abgesagt und außerdem das Alkohol-Verbo
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In recent days, British subjects have been concerned to hear that Queen Elizabeth’s health is not doing too well. First, the Queen was seen using a walking stick during public appearances, then a trip she had planned was cancelled, and furthermore, the ban on alcohol that the Queen’s medics had advis
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With the future government partners still in the process of negotiating the formation of a government, agreement has now been reached on how to proceed with the Corona pandemic. So not only is the “epidemic situation” set to expire at the end of November, but a specific date has been given for the en
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Nachdem sich die künftigen Regierungspartner noch immer in der Verhandlung um die Regierungsbildung befinden, hat man sich mittlerweile über das weitere Vorgehen in der Corona-Pandemie geeinigt. So soll nicht nur die “epidemische Lage” Ende November auslaufen, sondern es wurde auch ein konkretes Datu
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Seit einiger Zeit haben sich die Sussex-Royals im kalifornischen Nobelort Montecito niedergelassen, wo sich die Familie offenbar bisher wohlfühlt. Doch nun scheinen, sich Meghan und Harry auch eine Wohnung in New York zulegen zu wollen. Könnte dies eine Taktik von Meghan sein, um ihrem Göttergatten i
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Traurige Nachrichten für die deutsche Fußballwelt! Denn jetzt wird bekannt, dass der ehemalige Bundesliga-Profi von Eintracht Frankfurt, Bernd Nickel, verstorben ist. Der ehemalige Nationalspieler war seit längerer Zeit schwer krank – er starb viel zu jung!Bundesliga-Legende Bernd Nickel gestorben Wi
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For some time now, the Sussex royals have settled in the posh Californian town of Montecito, where the family seem to be comfortable so far. But now it seems Meghan and Harry are also looking to get an apartment in New York. Could this be a tactic by Meghan to fleece her spouse of God financially in
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Während viele Bundesbürger sich die spektakulären Bilder vom Ausbruch des Vulkans Cumbre Vieja auf der Kanareninsel La Palma anschauen, wissen nur wenige Menschen, dass es auch in Deutschland geologisch aktive Zonen gibt, in denen ein Vulkanausbruch möglich ist. Nach Meinung von Experten wird es auch
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When public buildings or companies are closed, the former residents or owners often leave a few things behind. Sure, mostly it is old files, office buckets or other garbage. In Australia, a very unusual find has now been discovered in a closed wildlife park. There, the You-Tuber Luke McPherson has no
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This popular drink could help prevent the onset of the neurological disease. Daily drinking cuts dementia risk by half, study finds! Dementia – a terrible disease. Aging is different for everyone, but most people fear they will be affected by cognitive impairment as they age. According to the World H
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Diese 6 Dinge sollten Sie jetzt über Ihre BionTech Impfung wissen, grade wenn Sie einen Booster planen! Von der Anspruchsberechtigung bis zu den Nebenwirkungen – das empfehlen Experten:Neuste Erkenntnisse zur ImpfungDa die Welle der Delta-Variante weiter abflaut und immer mehr Zeit vergeht, seit die
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While many German citizens look at the spectacular pictures of the eruption of the volcano Cumbre Vieja on the Canary Island La Palma, only a few people know that there are also geologically active zones in Germany, where a volcanic eruption is possible. According to experts, it will probably come to
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The death of the millionaire property and hotel magnate. Vivek Chadha shocked the fine society in London. The latter had collapsed a few hours after a party in an exclusive nightclub. The 33-year-old millonaire had just married 29-year-old model Stuttee Chadha at a lavish Sikh wedding 8 weeks ago. Ch
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For months, many people have been discussing the mysterious transformation of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. The latter had made himself scarce in public in recent months and then reappeared much slimmer than last year. Also for this reason there are crazy theories around a conspiracy. Was the di
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Police spokesman: Hypothermic but no danger to life.Happy end to the search for eight-year-old Julia: the girl from Greater Berlin, who went missing in the border area between Bavaria and the Czech Republic, was found alive in the Czech Republic, the Upper Palatinate police headquarters reported in R
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Die Sorge um die Königin Elizabeth wächst nicht nur in England weiter! Nachdem die Queen auf ärztlichen Rat eine Reise nach Nordirland abgesagt hatte und bekannt geworden war, dass die Queen sogar eine Nacht im Krankenhaus verbracht hatte, wurde nun bekannt, dass die Queen am Wochenende auch einen we
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These 6 things you should know now about your BionTech vaccination, especially if you’re planning a booster! From eligibility to side effects, here’s what experts recommend:Latest Vaccination Insights.As the wave of the delta variant continues to die down and more time passes since the vaccines becam
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One of the benefits of Johnson&Johnson’s Corona vaccine was originally that a single vaccination was supposed to provide sufficient protection against infection with the potentially dangerous coronavirus. But this is now apparently changing. Because in Austria now a 2nd inoculation with the vaccine i
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The concern for Queen Elizabeth continues to grow, and not just in England! After the Queen cancelled a trip to Northern Ireland on medical advice and it was revealed that the Queen even spent a night in hospital, it has now been revealed that the Queen also cancelled another appointment over the wee
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These 2 strange symptoms could mean you’ve already had COVID! Researchers have found that COVID can affect our sexual and reproductive health – now you need to know! Researchers are still learning! Researchers are still learning more about patients who suffer from long-term COVID symptoms, and some o
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Development minister calls for more commitment from industrialised countries to biodiversityFederal Development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) has called on the international community to take joint action on biodiversity protection at the start of the World Biodiversity Conference in China. “We have no
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Top committees discuss renewal processAhead of deliberations by the CDU’s top committees this morning, the Junge Union is again urging greater involvement of the party’s rank and file in the upcoming renewal process. “We must already see that our members have become much more self-confident today tha
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Althusmann: Questions of content must also be discussed.After the historically poor election result of the Union in the federal election at the end of September, the CDU chairman of Lower Saxony Bernd Althusmann calls for more participation of the CDU base. “I personally believe that we need to invol
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More power from renewables and earlier coal phase-out neededMore power generation from wind and solar, an earlier phase-out of coal and “further power efforts”: The new German government needs to step up the pace considerably to bring Germany to climate neutrality by 2045, according to the Ariadne re
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Green youth and Jusos see major differences with FDPSPD, Greens and FDP on Monday started their in-depth exploratory talks on the formation of a traffic light coalition. The teams of the three parties have scheduled ten hours for the consultations in Berlin. Confidentiality has been agreed for the ta
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Top virologist and White House advisor, Dr. Fauci says if you do this, your vaccination will produce more antibodies! The senior medical advisor says that the amount of protective proteins will be “higher” in this case – now you need to know! Refreshers are available for all vaccines. As of October 2
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Fears of new attacks in the USA are growing. Security authorities are now talking about serious scenarios. But it is not only IS that worries the Pentagon. Washington D.C. – The USA is apparently threatened by new terrorist attacks. This is the result of a warning by the intelligence services. Accord
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Top Virologe und Berater des Weißen Hauses, Dr. Fauci sagt, wenn Sie dies tun, wird Ihre Impfung mehr Antikörper erzeugen! Der leitende medizinische Berater sagt, dass die Menge der schützenden Proteine in diesem Fall “höher” wird – das müssen Sie jetzt wissen! Auffrischungen sind für alle Impfstoffe
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Das sollten Sie laut Experten über das Mischen und Kombinieren von Corona-Ipfungen wissen! Achten Sie auf diese 6 Punkte! Corona-Impfstoffe mischen – Ja oder Nein? Seit dem 20. Oktober hat die US-Arzneimittelbehörde (FDA) die Verwendung von Einzeldosis-Auffrischungsimpfungen für alle drei COVID-19-Im
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Here’s what experts say you should know about mixing and matching Corona inoculations! Pay attention to these 6 points! Mixing Corona Vaccines – Yes or No? As of October 20, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of single-dose booster shots for all three COVID-19 vaccines (
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