
Volcanic eruption in Germany! Scientists as good as certain: eruption of a super volcano is imminent

Experts believe that the eruption of a super volcano could happen soon! Because few people know that there are special volcanoes on Earth, which are capable of triggering super eruptions, which under certain circumstances are able

to affect the global climate and thus also trigger mass extinction. Now studies are shedding light on how high the danger actually is.

How dangerous is the eruption of supervolcanoes?

Volcano eruptions are a dangerous thing. But usually the risk is highest around the volcano itself. But there are also some supervolcanoes whose eruption could pose a serious problem for the entire planet. According to researchers, there are between 5 to 10 volcanoes on Earth whose eruption could culminate in a supervolcano eruption, which could then even have a catastrophic effect on the global climate. Such eruptions had already occurred in the past and therefore it can be assumed that such natural events will occur again in the future. One of these dangerous supervolcanoes is located under the waters of Lake Toba in Indonesia. Scientists have found that this supervolcano has triggered a total of two major eruptions in the last million years. And at some point, the volcano is sure to show its destructive power again. Scientists are now looking for warning signs of such a supervolcano eruption.

Scientists aim to predict eruption of supervolcano

Now, experts have started analyzing uranium and lead content in Mount Toba’s zircon. This is to determine roughly how long it would take for the supervolcano to erupt. It may be possible to predict future eruptions well in advance in this way. So far, there are no historical records of a supervolcano eruption. But past evidence shows that some volcanoes are quite capable of strongly influencing the global climate. Most importantly, scientists are also concerned that a chain reaction could occur following a supervolcano eruption. This is because the larger quantities of magma heat up the Earth’s crust, the slower the environment around the volcano cools down. This could reduce the build-up speed, so that supereruptions could then occur more frequently in the future. The volcano under Lake Toba is already active. This can also be seen from the fact that an island is rising higher and higher out of the lake as magma accumulates underground.

Researchers are trying to predict next eruption

Now researchers are trying to gather the necessary information to help make accurate predictions in the future about when such eruptions will occur. In most cases, there are no warnings noticeable long before the outbreak. This makes predictions very difficult. In most cases, an outbreak always becomes apparent only a few days before the event. At the moment, researchers believe that about 320 cubic kilometers of lava are stored in the case of Lake Toba. This points to another super eruption in about 600,000 years. However, smaller eruptions could be possible earlier. How it looks with the other existing supervolcanoes, the researchers would have to investigate yet.


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